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Message from Principal

Our Teachers

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Here at the Indian School of Excellence, with a team of dedicated teachers, we are striving to achieve 'Excellence in all Directions'.

It has very rightly been said by Maria Montessori that the Childs mind is a 'carta blanca' meaning a blank sheet of paper and it is upto us educators/teachers to fill these blank sheets of paper with the appropriate material.

In today's modern world of internet and knowledge explosion, a child has numerous opportunities to acquire knowledge but how he utilises this knowledge for his betterment and the benefit of humanity is upto us.

Hence, at the Indian School of Excellence, we are working towards moulding our students into caring human beings concerned about fellow humans and a bundle of basic human values.
Concentration is on the over all personality development of the students by providing them with experiences in language development through the 4 skills of law-reading, writing, speaking and listening. confidence building through group and individual presentations, leadership training by holding elections-(class and house), life skills like sharing food, dinning room etiquettes, respect for elders, caring for younger school mates etc.

In a brief span of six years we have moved ahead at a phenomenal speed as you can see.
Much have been achieved yet lots more needs to be done. In the days to come we hope to carry the flag of the Indian School of Excellence to greater heights as we march ahead in our journey towards excellence!

My earnest appeal to my parent community who have been our partners in all our endeavors in the past, do bear with us, guide us, advice us, and continue to walk by our side in the future too!
For those of you who are not aware, we accept sponsorships for those students who are not able to bear the fees. Kindly be generous and help educate those who are less fortunate than our self. Please assist us teach one child and together we can modify the future of this generation and the world at large!!

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